Est priced between $2,300 - $2,700 per square foot, this mixed-use gem offers a prime investment opportunity.

Image is for illustration purpose only.

Indicative Price

Sale psf range (indicative) S$2,300 – $2,700

*8@BT price subject to change anytime*

Unit Price

8@BT offers various units to suit different lifestyle needs. Here are the starting prices for each type of unit:


1-Bedroom Units: Approximately $1.1X million

2-Bedroom Units: Approximately $1.5X million

3-Bedroom Units: Approximately $2.1X million

4-Bedroom Units: Approximately $2.8X million

Penthouse Units: Pricing is available upon request and typically higher due to premium features.

Est average price per square foot (PSF) at 8@BT is around $2,546*.

Interested buyers can also enjoy special offers. Booking an appointment to view the show flat may unlock VVIP Discounts and exclusive promotional prices.

It’s important to note that the prices for the units are subject to change, and interested buyers should check with the developer for the most up-to-date pricing information. Additionally, it’s worth considering that the prices may fluctuate based on market demand and other factors.